

​In 2019 the Social Isolation and Loneliness Alliance (SIA) was formally established after Cabinet approval with Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council (DMBC).​

Following its establishment, Doncaster Culture & Leisure Trust (DCLT) was democratically elected by the members of the SIA to serve as the lead organisation.  ​

The role of the lead organisation was to support the members within the group to reduce loneliness in Doncaster. This included support with funding applications, group compliance, and grant allocation of funds. ​

The aim of the SIA is to reduce social isolation and loneliness in Doncaster through our network of voluntary, community and faith sector organisations. We do this by offering:

  • A variety of activities in each community - allowing you to meet new people or try a new activity.
  • Access to further support depending on your needs, including the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, the Job Centre, or other community groups within our network.
  • Opportunities to develop your skills through basic IT programmes, volunteer opportunities, and training.
  • Access to mental health and wellbeing support including counselling and peer support groups.
  • Information about available financial support such as foodbanks or hygiene products.
  • Specific support services, such as domestic abuse or carers support.

Want to get involved? Join the alliance as a member!

The Social Isolation Alliance is a network of VCFS organisations that are working together to reduce social isolation and loneliness in Doncaster. We are keen for organisations to join us and be a part of:
  • Gathering data that can help influence priorities and projects to reduce social isolation and loneliness  
  • Exploring possible collaborative working opportunities 
  • Sharing best practice  
  • Promoting available services and activities within Doncaster 

Your organisation's information will be added to our website and our members list - meaning that those reaching out to us for help that your services may cover would be signposted to you.

You will be able to log in to our Members' Area of the website giving you access to wider resources and information.

You will be included in our alliance correspondence and meeting invites.

This means that we also ensure that you receive our communications regarding funding that is available and upcoming. 

Please note there is no cost to become a member.